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Financial Aid

We believe deeply in the mission of Koinonia Classical Christian School.

We believe deeply in the mission of Koinonia Classical Christian School. As we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, everything else we need personally and as a school will be added. Jesus said to let the little children come and we intend to do just that. 

KCCS has pledged to never turn any family away simply because of a true inability to pay. To determine what we can offer you, a detailed look at your income and expenses will be necessary. We will work with you to carefully and thoroughly consider your financial situation. When applying for financial assistance we also recommend families work with our partner at Fellowship Financial Coaching to determine what they can reasonably afford. 

Please note that some costs to enrollment at Koinonia Classical Christian School and our partner school, Logos Online School (7-12), along with all related deadlines and requirements are beyond our control to adjust, discount, or waive. These costs that we have no control over and no ability to adjust, discount, or waive include but may not be limited to, the portion of tuition due to Logos Online School (7-12), the cost of required computer and equipment (7-12), the cost of required books (all grades), cost of school supplies, cost of lunches, and cost of uniforms. The financial assistance that we are able to offer is in the form of services offered by our gracious and generous on campus teachers and staff. 

To apply for financial assistance contact the Headmaster at to set up an appointment.

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